The New Vegan Girl: How I've Been Vegan for a Week expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>

Tuesday 10 January 2017

How I've Been Vegan for a Week

becoming vegan

Switching from Vegetarian to Vegan

My 1 year vegetarian anniversary came in November last year, which celebrated one of the best life decisions I have ever made...but becoming vegan was something I had always thought about during this time but never imagined doing, as I believed it would be too hard to keep up. I did often think of myself as a bit of a hypocrite by not eating meat but continuing to consume dairy, as in my eyes the dairy industry is in ways even worse than the meat, but either way I was proud of my vegetarian 1 year anniversary and continued it.

Veganuary 2017

I then came across an ad on Facebook for 'Veganuary 2017', something I hadn't heard of before but after reading bits of their site I decided to sign their online pledge to try veganism for 1 month during, you guessed it, January. Signed and excited to start, I started researching about vegan food and wrote out my vegan shopping list which included several items I had never even heard of before, nutritional yeast (ew) being one of them.

1 week in

So it's actually day 10 of Veganuary as I write this but thought it would be good to document how I've found it, being vegan for a week. It's been SO much easier than I thought it would be and most of all have completely enjoyed making all these new types of foods and actually loving the taste of it all too. And although it's not been too long yet, I already feel better within myself and am hoping it stays that way.

Highlights of my first vegan week?

I was bought the Aine Carlin 'Keep it Vegan' cookbook for Christmas and have been cooking lots of recipes from this over the past 10 days. On Saturday I made her 'Macaro-no Cheese' and was completed buzzed to see the author and vegan chef herself, Aine Carlin, had like AND commented on my pic... literally...over...the..moon. At that moment it felt like Aine and I were buds and I'm still mentally planning a catch up over coffee with her, to chat about vegan food and stuff... Aine let me know when you're free babe :). Evident of this fabulous news below:

Aine Carlin Keep it Vegan

Has anyone else signed up to Veganuary? How are you finding it and do you have any recipes to share?!

Here's some pictures of my meals I've tried so far :)

A photo posted by Chelsea Roderick (@chelsearoderick92) on

A photo posted by Chelsea Roderick (@chelsearoderick92) on

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