The New Vegan Girl: January 2017 expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Shop Bought Vegan Treats

Vegan with a sweet tooth 

I've always always had a sweet tooth and although this has got better since becoming vegan (thank god) I still get cravings now and again and when I do they hit HARD! However I've found it can be slightly harder to indulge when you're vegan and can't be arsed to make your own vegan treat.

Shop bough vegan treats

So here's some of the things I've come across when in desperate need of a sweet vegan treat that is not only vegan, but convenient in the sense I just have to buy it!

Jus roll Cinnamon swirl - found in most supermarkets (bought mine at Morrisons)

jus rol vegan

Chocolate tiffin from Morrisons

Morrisons vegan treat

Coco Pops (with milk alternative of course)
coco pops vegan

Party rings - Most shops and supermarkets

Ginger nuts - Everywhere!

ginger nuts vegan

Oreos and new Oreo 'thins'

Dark Chocolate (most dark chocolates above 70% are vegan and some below this too. This one from Lidl isn't that strong so I love it...and it's like 30p!)

vegan dark chocolate

A lot of these don't state that they are vegan but when you check the label it turns out they are. Of course always check yourself as some stores may vary their ingredients.

This is just a small list and I'm still on the hunt for more so if you know of more vegan sweet snacks, let me know!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

5 Vegan Lunches for Work

Vegan lunches you can take to work

Vegan packed lunch

I find eating vegan foods at home is actually really easy, especially if you've already done a basic vegan food shop and plan what you're going to have ahead of actually doing it. But I was concerned slightly about what types of things I could pack for lunch...

I work in an office and we don't have a canteen so you either spend money every day buying stuff from the Sainsburys down the road or you make your own packed lunch. I do the latter most days and to be honest, even if we did have a canteen I'd probably still pack my own lunch as I'm not sure how many vegan options there'd actually be.

5 vegan packed lunch ideas

But so far it's been very easy - although I do have to make sure I know what I'm having for lunch the night before so I can prep it. Here's 5 things I've done myself for lunch over the past 2 weeks here and there, in case anyone needs some inspo - the pics aren't great but you get the idea:

1. Leftovers!
I've found that most of the vegan recipes I've been making serve a lot more than 1, and being the only vegan in the house I often have heaps left over (but I will drop in here that both my mum and boyfriend have eaten AND enjoyed some of my vegan dinners I've made them...!) but either way there's often some left over to either enjoy for dinner again another evening (pop it in the freezer) or find some tupperware and take to the office the next day, ready to be heated up. Win! I did this with my 'Macaro-no Cheese' last week and popped some frozen peas in there too.

2. Vegetable Wrap
I love fajitas and am yet to try them with the Quorn vegan pieces but fancied something similar for lunch. So I fried some peppers, red onion and courgettes with some fajita mix on (some mixes aren't vegan beware), popped some salsa in a wholemeal wrap and bam, you got a vegetable wrap for lunch with a fajita kick!

3. Beans on Toast
I'd often have this at work way before becoming vegan, and it's perfect for days when you can't be bothered to prepare something. Tin of beans + slice of bread = a filling lunch.

vegan beans on toast

4. Lentil Ragu
I made a big batch of lentil ragu for dinner one evening to have with pasta but thought the ragu was so tasty that I could have it by itself. So put the rest in the freezer to save for work. Tip - before putting in the freezer separate in different tuppaware bowls/boxes in serving sizes, so you can defrost only the amount you need, when you need it.

lentil ragu lunch

5. Marmite and 'Cheese' sandwich
I know I said it's useful to pre plan and prep your lunches for work but I know sometimes that's just not possible, so for mornings when you've got nothing and can't be arsed to make anything fancy - a good old sandwich will do the job... one with vegan spread, Marmite and slices of vegan cheese, to be precise... you'd be surprised at what a good combo that is.

Enjoy - let me know what vegan packed lunches you have to inspire me please!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

How I've Been Vegan for a Week

becoming vegan

Switching from Vegetarian to Vegan

My 1 year vegetarian anniversary came in November last year, which celebrated one of the best life decisions I have ever made...but becoming vegan was something I had always thought about during this time but never imagined doing, as I believed it would be too hard to keep up. I did often think of myself as a bit of a hypocrite by not eating meat but continuing to consume dairy, as in my eyes the dairy industry is in ways even worse than the meat, but either way I was proud of my vegetarian 1 year anniversary and continued it.

Veganuary 2017

I then came across an ad on Facebook for 'Veganuary 2017', something I hadn't heard of before but after reading bits of their site I decided to sign their online pledge to try veganism for 1 month during, you guessed it, January. Signed and excited to start, I started researching about vegan food and wrote out my vegan shopping list which included several items I had never even heard of before, nutritional yeast (ew) being one of them.

1 week in

So it's actually day 10 of Veganuary as I write this but thought it would be good to document how I've found it, being vegan for a week. It's been SO much easier than I thought it would be and most of all have completely enjoyed making all these new types of foods and actually loving the taste of it all too. And although it's not been too long yet, I already feel better within myself and am hoping it stays that way.

Highlights of my first vegan week?

I was bought the Aine Carlin 'Keep it Vegan' cookbook for Christmas and have been cooking lots of recipes from this over the past 10 days. On Saturday I made her 'Macaro-no Cheese' and was completed buzzed to see the author and vegan chef herself, Aine Carlin, had like AND commented on my pic... literally...over...the..moon. At that moment it felt like Aine and I were buds and I'm still mentally planning a catch up over coffee with her, to chat about vegan food and stuff... Aine let me know when you're free babe :). Evident of this fabulous news below:

Aine Carlin Keep it Vegan

Has anyone else signed up to Veganuary? How are you finding it and do you have any recipes to share?!

Here's some pictures of my meals I've tried so far :)

A photo posted by Chelsea Roderick (@chelsearoderick92) on

A photo posted by Chelsea Roderick (@chelsearoderick92) on