The New Vegan Girl: Best Spread for Vegans expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Best Spread for Vegans

Dairy Free Spreads

You'd be surprised as to how many dairy free spreads there are out there in the UK. I didn't even know it was a thing until turning to the green side but they are there and some are better than others. I've not tried many yet but here's my best 3 that are in most supermarkets:

1. My number 1 and the one I now always get is Flora Freedom. It's brilliant and literally tastes like every other margarine I've had prior to quitting dairy. You can cook with it, put it on bread, add it to mash potato, the lot. 

Vegan spread flora freedom

2. Pure. To be honest this doesn't differ too much from Flora but is a bit harder to get your hands on so I tend to not get it as much now.

Vegan butter

3. Vitalite. This one is the cheapest out of the 3 and is nice to bake with but not so great when using it on toast or anything savoury really.


Do please let me know if you've found better. 

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